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Name: Kumone Jakuon
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Height: 5'9"

UTAU Wiki Page:

Jaku's first impression is that of a usually quiet and kind, gentle woman. Her true colors are actually a lot tougher than she lets on, and she's not afraid to get her hands dirty when she has to. She takes shit from no one, and if she feels you've wronged her in some way, she'll make sure to let you know, and not in a nice way.

Kumone Jakuon


Tokio FunkaUST by steel

SOLAR 5-pitch VCV

Full Japanese 5-pitch VCV bank with a strong, powerful voice. Includes a bonus complete VCV GROWL pitch that can be used with suffixes. Works well with efb-gt and fresamp.
Love Is an OnomatopoeiaUST by Lamb

6-Pitch VCV MFPS

Full Japanese 6-pitch VCV bank, oto'd and ready to use. 
Includes a screamingand falsetto pitches, good for
powerful songs. Best sampler is EFB-GT and default resampler.
Panda HeroUST by UtauReizo


Full Japanese mono-pitch VCV bank. Hiragana-encoded. Has a strong, agressive voice with exaggerated pronunciation.
BiohazardUST by kassie

Full English CV VC


Complete English-compatible bank recorded using CZ's unstringed full CV VC reclist. Recommended for users familiar with English CV VC technique. 

Atomic EyesUST by rokurin

soft Append dual-pitch VCV

Full Japanese dual-pitched VCV bank. Has a soft, quiet voice. Works best in the EFB-GT resampler.
PaletteUST by HaruVampire

ACT3 Tri-Pitch CV Bank

Tri-pitched CV bank with a pre-done prefix map, ready to use. Contains extra Japanese syllables. Hiragana-encoded with romaji aliases. 

Eat MeUST by UtauReizo

soft append CV dual-pitch (Ver 2.0)

Dual-pitched CV bank. Has a soft, quiet, and breathy voice. Hiragana-encoded with romaji aliases. Has a prefix map, ready to use. Updates since previous version: completely re-recorded samples.
Song of the Eared RobotUST by SkyIsland

FM (Ferocious Motherfucker) CV Append

This is a purely screaming bank, can be used appropriately for screamo. Samples have a chance of distorting, oddly enough TIPS seems to be the most stable resampler.

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